DNA test could solve Nessie mystery at last: Scientist to test waters at the Loch for unusual traces in bid to solve the monster mystery.
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2017-04-04 22:32:46 UTC
DNA test could solve Nessie mystery at last: Scientist to test waters at
the Loch for unusual traces in bid to solve the monster mystery.


Professor Neil Gemmell, from New Zealand, thinks it could solve the mystery
Researcher Roland Watson said no one has tried searching for DNA before
Nessie hunter Steve Feltham vowed to never give up searching for the monster

A scientist is to DNA test the waters of Loch Ness in another bid to
determine once and for all if Nessie exists.

Professor Neil Gemmell will look for traces of unusual DNA by gathering
water samples from the Scottish loch before analysing them using police
forensic techniques.

Professor Gemmell, of New Zealand’s University of Otago, thinks this
could solve the monster mystery.

He said: ‘We use environmental DNA to monitor marine biodiversity. From
a few litres of water we can detect thousands of species.

‘All large organisms lose cells as they move through their environment.
New genomic technology is sensitive enough to pick this up and we can
use comparisons to databases that span the majority of known living things.

‘If there was anything unusual in the loch these DNA tools would be
likely to pick up that evidence.’

Nessie researcher Roland Watson, 54, said he was not aware of anyone
doing a DNA test before.

But he added: ‘There are some monster supporters that would not care
about the result because they believe it is something paranormal and so
wouldn’t expect to see any DNA.’



DNA test could solve Nessie mystery at last: Scientist to test waters at
the Loch for unusual traces in bid to solve the monster mystery

Professor Neil Gemmell, from New Zealand, thinks it could solve the
Researcher Roland Watson said no one has tried searching for DNA before
Nessie hunter Steve Feltham vowed to never give up sarching for the

Bert ( A W RvB )
(Adres op website)
Twitter: awrvbnl

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Izak van Langevelde
2017-04-05 09:14:03 UTC
Post by Bert(AWRvB)
Researcher Roland Watson said no one has tried searching for DNA before
Merkwaardig. In een documentaire op Discovery werd gesteld dat er in Loch
Ness geen onbekend DNA gevonden was. Nu is Discovery niet echt een
onbetrouwbare bron, maar het lijkt me aannemelijk dat zoiets al 'ns
eerder onderzocht is...
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